Sex and Death Bufo Colony


Reports are surfacing of a new Bufo Virtanus outbreak in Sydney, Austrailia, developing in the area of the Royal Botanic Gardens Glass Pyramid. The subspecies has been named the Sex and Death Bufo Colony, because it has developed visual traits of the orchid exhibition created in 2005. In addition to sex and death, there were three themes identified during that exhibition; “Seduction”, “Cooperation” and “Deception.” We have heard that the toads change different textural colors; pink, white, red and black. These are the colorations of some of the orchids in the preceding exhibition. They seduce with pink, cooperate or copulate with red and white, and finally deceive and die with a display of black. We have also heard unconfirmed reports that possible other colonies spreading southward. This will probably not be confirmed till early April during the Surry Hills Festival, with its event (Un)Seen Sculptures curated by Warren Armstrong.

As we have previously noted, the prototype for Bufo Virtanus is the bufo toad, the species known in Australia as the Cane Toad, which was introduced to Queensland in 1935 to combat the Cane Beetle. Unfortunately this bio-attack never solved the beetle problem and the giant species of cane toads instead became an uncontrollable infestation. in this case we might be dealing with that kind of virtual plague, with the toads as harbingers of a plethora imagery and information leaking, cascading into the physical landscape.

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