Posts Tagged ‘aimlessly’

Virta-Flaneurazine-SL, Midterm Report

March 11, 2008
The four-member team working on Virta-Flaneurazine-SL began its work in the fall of 2007 by isolating and analyzing the Virta-Flaneurazine-SL molecule and building the clinic in Second Life. Both of these endeavors have been successful. Reports on both areas follow.
VF Pill 01
Virta-Flaneurazine-SL Molecule:
Mass spectrometry suggests that the Virta-Flaneurazine-SL (VF) molecule resembles Lysergic acid diethylamide in many respects but with an extra molecular structure attached similar to 3-Mercaptopropionic Acid (3-MPA). 3-MPA is known to produce symptoms of disorientation. Presumably this accounts for the combined symptoms of wanderment and hallucination reported by patients. The results of our analysis of the VF molecule makes us confidant that we might now be able to dispel some of the misconceptions of composition that have previously circulated.
VF Molecule 01
VF Molecule 02 
A number of the hallucinatory effects of VF have been programmatically discovered and can be rather easily triggered using both internal and external scripting. In the process of this research, the experience of “tunneling” was discovered to be a recurrent symptom. This means that at times patients perceive themselves moving down a tunnel or into a spiral. Searching into his own past, Dr* JC Freeman, realized a recurring attraction to the notion of mazes or labyrinths, while Dr* WD Pappenheimer remembered painting numerous spirals early in his teenage years.
VF Hallucination 01
The wanderment prograchemistry has also been well charted. The auto-body programming compulsion to wander randomly and aimlessly has been isolated and written. The problem of understanding means for auto-teleportation has been overcome through a series of assays and is now a usable. This prograchemistry represents mostly the external portion of the two-part drug. The further understanding and mastery of creating a long-term multi-variant wander excursion, responsive to individual patients experience, represents the challenge of future work in this area. The capability to translate programming to cross-platform technologies will also be addressed at the final stages of the research.
VF Hallucination 02
Virta-Flaneurazine-SL Clinic:
Finally, the in-world construction of the clinic is proceeding as planned and most of lab equipment has been delivered. The clinic has a furnished waiting area, situationist reading materials, a front counter, a good supply of medication, an exam room and necessary medical charts and equipment.
VF Clinic 01
This will be the location for in-world patient reception, recruiting, interviews, exams and distribution of the in-world dosage of the trial VF and placebo. Clinical study forms are being prepared and submitted for review and approval. 
VF Clinic 02
When completed the administration of the trial will ensure that patients clearly understand the nature of their participation as well as provide the data, which might influence the patient’s response to the trial.
Finally, plans are being drafted for the deployment of the out-world mobile clinic, consisting of a standing hospital curtain, two interview chairs, transit files and a data projection of patients’ experiences. The out-world mobile clinics will be important points for initiating and continuing patient relationships.
 VF Clinic 03