Posts Tagged ‘Virta-Flaneurazine’

Sunset on Sunset

May 6, 2011

33 1/2 RPM Sunset Colony from Will Pappenheimer on Vimeo.

A evening moment with the 33 1/2 RPM Sunset Bufo Toads in the process of colonizing the ICA Boston. apparently they have adopted a record skip associated with the “Record” show there.

Sex and Death Colony explodes

April 16, 2011

It seems that the Sex and Death Colony hatched quietly in the Sydney Botanical Gardens has gotten out of control and is spreading to a series of smaller Australian towns (d/lux MEDIA ARTS). Colonies seem to be appearing westward and southward with no apparent rhyme or reason. My colleague there, Warren Armstrong, (the organizer of (Un)seen Sculptures), is vigorously monitoring the situation and calls weekly on Saturday nights to let me know the conditions. It’s uncanny that this subspecies should spread in a country that has been plagued by its ancestor. This is I suppose, a similar sort of infestation, with all good intentions of those of us at VF, looking for a means to free internet living. Warren has ambitiously set up a site to track what he calls “Bufo’s Progress“.

Riding The Blue Dragon

September 23, 2010

Researchers warn against the use of a powerful new black market version of Virta-Flaneurazine which first surfaced in the hutongs of central China in the weeks following the Xi’an clinical trials and is now thought to be available in the United States and Europe. Known by its street name “Blue Dragon,” the drug is thought to be as much as ten times more potent than the name brand. At these elevated dosages, experiments with VF have lead to sustained Hypertext Markup Wanderment (HTMW).

Blue Dragon Icon

The most common Blue Dragon side effects are:
• Headache
• Facial flushing
• Upset stomach
Less commonly, bluish vision, blurred vision, or sensitivity to light may briefly occur.
In rare instances, men taking Blue Dragon reported a sudden decrease or loss of vision. It is not possible to determine whether these events are related directly to these medicines or to other factors. If you experience sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking Blue Dragon and call a doctor right away.
In the rare event of HTMW lasting more than 4 hours seek immediate medical help to avoid long-term injury.

VF Software Barrier Breach

July 16, 2010

Researchers at VF Pharmaceuticals were startled Tuesday to find that recent Virta-Flaneurazine dosage test resulted in an unexpected crossing of the software barrier beyond Second Life into other social networks. Test subject JC Priestman, aka Virta Flaneur, was observed randomly navigating international Internet applications. Although the extent of the software breach is yet to be determined, evidence gathered confirms that the test subject was active in Facebook, Youtube and Chatroulett. In a telephone interview, Dr. Fremont expressed confidence that there is no risk to the general public, but warned against use of black market varieties of the drug, saying, “After the Xi’an clinical trials, we received disturbing reports of a pirated version of VF, which goes by the street name of Blue Dragon.”